
Managing a Multi-Generational Workplace

By May 6, 2016 No Comments
Managing a Multi-Generational Workplace

Age matters, right? Leading Boomers to Millennials

Friday, May 20th, 2016
6:45-9:00 a.m.
Peak Executive Forum 2015-2016 Breakfast Panel Series Presents:


With four generations of employees now in the workforce, businesses everywhere are finding that one-size does not fit all. If you manage or own a business that hires employees, a good chunk of your time is easily spent finding ways for this multi-faceted group to work in harmony and respect the unique talents of the other. Join us for a panel discussion on how to successfully construct collaborative cross-generational leadership and learn what motivates each group in the workplace.


 Please note that seating is limited, and will be on a first-come, first-served basis. Registration will close on or before May 18th.

Our Panelists:
Steve Bigari Headshot
Conor McCluskey Headshot
Kourtney Benda Headshot
Steve Bigari, CEO
Synq3 Restaurant Solutions

Synq3 Restaurant Solutions is a leading provider of remote ordering for restaurant take-out and delivery orders. Prior to launching Stellar, Mr. Bigari owned and operated 12 McDonald’s restaurants and served as the innovation chairman at McDonald’s. Bigari is also the founder and CEO of Mr. Biggs Family Fun Center in Colorado Springs, where he was The Chambers Business Citizen of the year in 2006. Mr. Bigari founded America’s Family to provide low-income families with access to capital, financial education, and financial coaching relationships to help move individuals out of working poverty. As a result, he was inducted as an Ashoka Fellow in 2004.
Conor McCluskey, CEO

Conor, CEO of, which is an interactive email service provider he founded at the end of 2006. He has more than 15 years of experience in sales, marketing and entrepreneurship. Conor started his career as an entrepreneur in the multi-family housing industry, where he grew his business to 60 employees. Conor then went into the local media business, growing annual ad revenues 650% in just 4 years. In his spare time he’s an owner of Proper Wines a boutique Winery in Walla Walla, Washington. Proper was just quoted by the Washington Wine Report as, “Easily one of the best wines from a new winery this year.” Conor also advises and advocates for development of small businesses and communities in Kenya.
Kourtney Benda, Manager

Kourtney Benda manages Early Career Programs at Epsilon, an 8,000-associate global leader in data-driven marketing. Kourtney understands that millennials have a lot to offer!  Insatiable curiosity and creativity, technical savvy and problem-solving skills help millennials succeed in today’s fast-paced business environment.  By providing these associates with relevant training, coaching and structure, Epsilon’s millennial workforce has a track record of high retention, high performance, and a high promotion rate.  Epsilon’s Intern Program is designed for college students who are interested in learning what it takes to provide the world’s biggest brands with cutting-edge marketing solutions.
The Peak Executive Forum
Peak Executive Forum contributes to the success of small to medium-size businesses by engaging their executives in an exchange of relevant ideas. Our group consists of business owners and senior level executives.
Our five bi-monthly events are highly tailored and interactive breakfast panel forums. Subject matter experts, from academia, professional services, and actual business application, are drawn from our local CEO and trusted advisor community.
Breakfast attendees stay current with leading edge business practices, intelligent collaborate with their peers and establish or renew business relationships with like-minded business people.

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